Digital gift card white paper

Everything you need to know about customer aquisition and loyalty thanks to digital gift cards

« eGift cards are the newest version of gift cards. More flexible, more easily customised and truly omnichannel. They add significant value and reinforce a brand's marketing strategy. Find out how you can tailor it to your own strategy. »

In this white paper, you will find

  • Key market figures
  • Case studies with high-profile brands
  • Different ways to use digital gift cards
  • The latest report on fraud
Digital gift card white paper

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Fill in the form to download the customer case study

Fill in the form to download the report with figures

Dans ce livre blanc, vous trouverez

16 actions concrètes pour optimiser les ventes de cartes cadeaux
Des campagnes pour cibler le marché B2C et B2B
Des exemples de communication de grandes marques pour Noël
Des conseils sur le lancement idéal des différentes campagnes

Ready to increase the revenue generated with your gift card?